Hi, again! Im Paula from The Prickles group!
As translator this week, my work is put here the 5 most important contents I have learned during the second task.The five terms we have chosen to give them a definition have been:

Map projection:  It is a way to represent the entire world in a plane image. All the map projections are not very correct, because they distort the reality. There are 3 main types of map projection:
-Cylindrical projection (Mercator)
-Flat projection (Robinson)
-Conic projection (Azimuthal)

Robinson map projection: This projection was created by Arthur H.Robinson, and its primary purpose was to create visually appealing maps of the entire world. It’s a compromise projection, it does not eliminate any type of distortion, but it keeps the levels of all types of distortion relatively low over most of the map.
It shows the entire world in just one plane with round corners. It was replaced by   Winkel-Tripel’s projection.

Internet Scavenger Hunt:  It is a new kind of activity which helps children to understand some concepts. It is a way of introducing technology in content knowledge so it will be used in those classrooms in which teachers are involved in technology.
The activity consists in in give to the pupils some questions and a web page when they can find the answers to those questions. And to finish with the activity, there is a question called: big question in which children will have to link up all the contents they have learned because they won’t find in the web page the solution of this question.
This strategy is created to help children to learn information about some interesting issues.

 Media Distortion: This word refers to the alteration of the original form of something.

Mercator projection: It is a cylindrical map projection, created by Gerardus Mercator.

It is an adaptation of the transverse standard Mercator projection. It is used in national and international mapping systems around the world. The worst consequence of this projection is that the scale is distorted and it creates a vision against the  3rd worlds.


It has been a pleasure to get to know you this information, guys! Have a nice weekend!


1 comentarios

  1. mmm... what about "media distortion" this is the only thing you could say about it??... good job, but, please, be a more deeper.
