We want to say Hi!
Hi, we are a student group that works in scholar
organisation. Actually We study at the university and we will
upload here our projects and may be something of general interest. We hope you enjoy the blog.
- Written By: Félix Cabrera
- Written By: Félix Cabrera
1 comentarios
Hi "The Prickles"!! I'm Edu Espinosa, the actual journalist of the group Frisky Hedgehogs and I was checking out your blog. As I see it, your blog is well organised and the task is nicely presented in your web page. I also found your pet, Génesis, (that is an hedgehog too!), really cute and cool, as well as your group name, which is pretty original and funny, something that I enjoy a lot, furthermore I think that the articles published express the information in a very direct way, congratulations!!