Hi everybody! I am Miriam and this time I’m being the star of my group. As you know, this task has a duration of 3 weeks, and I’m the second star, so this week I have not done my best, but however, the following week, I am going to be the theater director, and I know it’s going to be harder.

So in this week, Linda has explained what we have to do. At first, she said we have to do a newspaper to write in it the news that we found the last week. You can find a photo of it in our blog.

As you know, we have to divided the class. I chose to be in the actors group. I had the role of the camera, the person that had to record, and I recorded the video of a group, the 4th group. In this group, the topic was "the dark side of textbooks", so we did a class with a teacher and his students where he spoke his opinion about using textbooks and how can they affect to the pupils.

This activity was really entertaining, we pass a really good time on Wednesday doing it. We have seen some parts of the videos and they are incredible! We are excellent when we work together, as one!

 I really enjoy doing it. I hope you enjoy too, have a nice weekend :)


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