Hello, I am Leona from The Prickles group and this week I am the translator. My job this week is to define the 5 most important concepts learned this week. The terms that I have chosen are the following:
Creative Commons: a management that makes no money out of permitting the usage and contribution of other peoples ideas without breaking the law. It protects every individual's creation.
We need to understand that Creative Commons is not the equivalent of copyright. Creative commons allow you to share your assignments, photos, projects, with other people establishing your preferred instructions. Any author/creator is able to choose between keeping all the rights to themselves or only some of them.
Copyright: legally way for the founder of any creation to publish it and make money form it, whether it be a song, a painting, a book... The creator of the work is allowed to pass on this right to others such as museums, publishers, band managers, etc. Copyright secures the way that an idea is expressed not the actual idea.
Words and shorts phrases are not considered to be copyrights. A copyright can be taken over by another owner. For an idea to be protected by copyright, it must be authentic, therefore it will earn the right of security. It is known as "copyright infringement" when somebody does not obey by the legal rights of any work.
Attribution: it is the permission given to a person to reproduce , share, or change the creator's work but they must make sure that they point out the author of the property the proper way.
The attribution must always appear.
Non-commercial: it is the right to copy, share, use, an author's work, meanwhile it is not for a beneficial purpose, therefore the person will make no money out of another person's creation.
Mammals: they are vertebrates, they have a spine or a back bone. They also have hair on their bodies and use milk to feed their babies. They are also warm-blooded. Examples of mammals are: dogs, cats, bears, monkeys, tigers, etc.
Mammals aren't the only vertebrates. Fish, amphibians, reptiles and birds are also vertebrates.
Fish have scales and they lay eggs.
Amphibians live in and out of water.
Reptiles have scales and lay eggs on land.
Birds have feathers and a beak, they fly, and they lay eggs.
I hope you all enjoy my post and see you next week. Have a great weekend!
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