Hi everybody! I'm Miriam from The Prickles, and this week, the fourth week, I have been the facilitator. In this case, we haven't got a new task to work on, but that doesn't mean we have not worked.

On Monday, the stars of our group presented  the vertebrates work again, but not as the last week before, this time, we changed the way we explained, the stars did an easier explination, taking into account the public that it is directed to, primary students. Also, we changed a few of the powerpoint slides. Our stars, Félix and James, improved their explanation. I recorded them in a video and later I saw it and I could see their improvement. So finally, we made some improvements in our work, and we did it better.

On Wednesday, we had to do groups according to our role. So I had to work, as the facilitator, with all the facilitators of the other groups, We were 9, And we also had a boss, the boss of the facilitators, who help us so much. She had to know who wasn't in the class and if she knows why she had to tell Linda. 

We also made a video of 30 seconds about how to be a good facilitator. In this video, we tried to explain what are the main characteristics that you must have to a good job being the facilitator. It was difficult because you only have 30 seconds to explain so many things but at the same time, it was very funny, I really enjoyed making it. Besides, from my point of view, it was good the fact that we got to work with different people, I mean, not always with the same partners and all of us had the same role so we helped ourselves a lot too.

Finally, I would like to say that when you are facilitator, you feel worried about your partners, you try to motivate them and you must organize the way to do the task too so you have a lot of weight on your shoulders. For the next facilitator, I recommend to be a motivational person and transmit this energy to your group, but especially to be calm and don't get stressed, that's not good.

From my point of view, we improved from one week to another, even the rest of our peers noticed our improvement. The best of our presentation was the way they explained the content, it was child orientated. On the other hand, maybe, the worst of the Prickles presentation was that they could have made it more participative.

As facilitators that we are this week, we tried to made a motivational video, here you have it!


I hope you enjoy watching it, have a really nice weekend :)


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