Hi, I'm Jamal from the Prickles, and this week I'm the translator.
Organizational learning: Is the transfer of knowledge in an organization. The experience is crutial, because the organization improves thanks to it, and it also facilitates the creation of knowledge.
The people that work following the organizational learning will be more prepared for the external changes. The process is continuous.
Complexity: It is the word used to describe the relation between different elements that can work together or that are linked. Simple elements or simple parts can create a complex system. We used this "term" in the school context, where there are different levels that share information and knowledge.
Speed learning: It is the educative or learning version of the speed dating. It is a dinamic exercise that allows the students to present their works or proyects in a limited period of time. When the time is up, the "star" can get feedback from the rest of the students. It is very effective and it is the system that've we used in the activity of this week.
Connections: A connection is an association or relationship. It is a word that has a lot of meanings, but this week we studied the connection between teachers and school departments. This conecction allows the teachers to be more cordinated and avoid information problems (lack of information between school departments.) If they are "properly connected" they can work better and effectively
Experience: Is the knowlege that a person gets from the different events that that person goes through during his whole lifetime. We studied the influence of the learning experience in teachers. The experience and the shared information increase their knowlege and effectivity, so it is a crutial factor in the learning process.
Have a nice weekend :D
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