Hello everybody , I am Sara and It is the first time that I am the translator. And now I am going to describe with my words , the most important words in this task.
Technology: It is a very important aspect in this task because over time we are evolving into a technology education that causes different effects on education.Such as the step of using textbooks to use computers and whiteboards .
Complex organisation:Different school leaders have a different way depending on which lead their beliefs, passions, education .... So each school will be organized in a different way.And each school teachers act according to the law and to decisions of the leader.
Connections with peers: This is a very important concept, because the relationships between classmates can affect both positively and negatively. If children do not have good relationships with their classmates will affect the motivation in class, academic performance ...
Cooperative Learning :is a type of education that seeks to organize activities in the classroom to turn into a social and academic learning experience. Students work in groups to accomplish tasks collectively.
The teacher is responsible for explaining the activity and students are responsible for solving it. The teacher is the guide of the activity.
Emergent knowledge: Is what we learn from a complex system´s interactiones. It is open and flexible.
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