This weeks translator!

Hey guys! I´m James and I am this week’s translator. Here you have 5 concepts I considered important this week and how they are associated to education, to make things more specific.

Knowledge:  The definition of knowledge could be expressed as the facts or information transmitted to someone throughout either experiences or education. In the educational context, which is the one that interests us,  we could define it as the content that the teacher wishes to transmit to his/her students in the classroom, like for example ideas, dates, concepts, mathematical formulas, etc.

Connections:” Connections”  has many definitions, but we are going to concentrate on the one that affects learning. This type of connections could be defined as the relationship between a student, his/her classmates, and his/her teacher. Any connection between these three elements of the education process is important for the students’ education, as the relationship between his/her classmates and his/her teacher makes the learning process more comfortable and a lot easier.

Complexity: This term refers to when many different parts that come from the same entity interact with each other in multiple ways. In education, this definition is relevant. Our education system is made up of many different parts, which intertwine in various ways, making it a very complicated and intricate system.

Learning context: We could define learning context as the background surrounding the educational process. This background could be looked at from a social and cultural point of view, if we want to concentrate on the way the students will develop outside the school and how the exterior influences the learning center. It could also be on a more interior level, regarding the learning center itself, the teachers, tools and possibilities available for the students’ development inside the classroom. The learning context includes all the factors that could influence education.

Diversity: The concept of diversity is based around tolerance and respect for other individuals, understanding and accepting their differences, whether these are physical, racial, or social, among others, and reacting positively and nurturing these unique characteristics.  


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