I'm FĂ©lix and this week is my turn to be the analyst of my group. It was difficult to evaluate mi class mates and I have tried to be the most far that has been possible. Like the last week, this week we divided the class in different groups to be actors and editors to make a report.
First of all, I have to say It was very hard to put a mark to my classmatesbecause we have worked as a team like every week and we are improving the way of do the work. From the last week to this week from the begining until now we have improved the division of the different parts of a task in a very nice way and It is interesant how we have imrpoved from the begining until now, but the 10 isn't easy enough logically
This week each member of the group have had to work with other classamates and It is a interesting way to have a better teamwork in the future and It is afunny way to be more sociable with other class mates with less relation than others. From other side, the competitiveness between the group help us to improve and to try to get the maximum mark in this subject.
Something that we ahve to improve is the speed of how we do the work because we are with the movil phone or onl talking about the day, this is something that we have to improve right now before the end of the course,
It amazing to see the teamwork the team has because this is a thing that make us go faster and easier than in a group with less comunication and worst friendship than in our group.
All of us are friends and work in a nice way together, if we continue in this dynamic, maybe our dream of get a 10 in the subject could be reality
To finish this task iç told you that being the analyst it a quite difficult and more if your group-mates instead of only group-mates are friends, and be fair with everyone is difficult
I hope you enjoy our post and see you next weekend,
Have a nice week!!
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