Hi everyone! I'm Miriam from The Prickles and this time I am one of the stars of my team, specifically, the second one, so the week I`ll work the most will be in two weeks as a theater director.

At first, I have to say I was scared about being a star. While all my partners already were, I was slipping away of this role, but finally I had to take it over, so here I am as star. I want to say that, at the moment, it hasn't been as bad as I had imagined.
This task is a little bit different about the others. This time, the task has a duration of 3 weeks, the stars have to work with different roles (facilitator-star) and all the whole group have to work for this task together, so really, from my point of view, I'm not going to work with my team at 100% because, most of the time that I will spend in the classroom, I'm going to be with other people that are directors of theater, as me, or/and actors. So this is going to be interesting, because all of us are going to work as one, helping everyone, and is not going to matter which group we are in.
I hope to spend a nice time for these following weeks. Paula and I are going to do a good job, just like all the stars of my team and the following stars after us:)
Have a nice weekend everyone!
Have a nice weekend everyone!
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