Analyzing the task

Hi, I'm Jamal, and this week I've been the analyst. It has been more difficult than I thought. To play this role you have to be sure that the marks that you give to your group-mates are fair, so the analyst has to be a very objetive person. This is the first time that we "analyze" our proyect, so I dont have another reflection to use as a guide, anyway I'll do my best. First of all I would like to say that I pretty much enjoyed working with my group-mates, this is the first time we work together, and I think that we did it properly. We are all aware that "getting a 10" is not easy an job, so we will keep working hard. The best part of the activity is that wasn't a boring theoretical task, so we could use our creativy to create a mindmap that was very useful to explain to the rest of the classmates the different questions about the TPACK. I really liked the "Star" role, I consider that explaining to the other groups our work is like a real practice for being a teacher. We also liked when some of our classmates told us that they had enjoyed our work, that was very rewarding. The worst part of the activity was the time limitation in the exposition. Trying to answer the different questions when you know that the time is running out, can be a bit stressful, but we think that we will get used to it, and that we won't have any problem with it in the future. We have learnt what a TPACK is, some of us, didnt have heard of it before. We've also learnt, how a TPACK is useful for a teacher, and how it can be used in the entire learning and working process. If we want to be good teachers, we will have to be able to manage the technological and pedagogical content. We are going to conserve for the next weeks the team spirit and our will to get the best mark possible. Something that we have to improve is meeting more often. It can be a bit hard, because we are group of 9 people, and not everyone is always able to do it.


1 comentarios

  1. good start. Something more dialogic or critic? what about readings reflected here?
