Hey guys! I'm Paula from The Prickles and this week I have had the pleasure to be the voice of my group : THE STAR.First of all, I must confess that I was really scared because I hate talking in front of a big audience. I didn't want to be star! But finally, this role hasn't been as bad as I think. What is more, I have enjoyed quite much.  
On Monday, when I arrived to the class and I realised that this task would be presented by two stars I got very happy. My classmate Miriam and I were the last of the group to be stars, and all the weeks before we had been seeing how the members of our group did an amazing job. So, I decided to be a little more confident and try my best for this task!

I must tell you that I didn't understand quite much the task, but all my group tried to help me, which meant a lot to me. The task was about complexity within education and as we are a very big group we divided us into 2 different groups for finishing the work early. My objective as a star was to collect 6 news from a newspaper related with the 6 different subtittles within this chapter. When I started to read the chapter, i got so nervous because I didn't understand what Linda wants me to do exactly. But my group encouraged me and I tried to be more relaxed and read more deeply.  

Wednesday arrives, and I thought that I had to do a exposition in front of my classmates. Thanks to god, it didn't happen, and Linda asked all the stars to help each other and to work together during the next 2 hours. All the stars put in common all the news and finally, we chose the 6 better news.

Although, this task is going to be longer, and my role as a star is going to last at least two more weeks, I would like to give some advices for next stars:
 Guys, don't get so stressed, doing whatever you do, your group is the best support . And if they are good groupmates, they will help you a lot! Anyway, it is very normal that you are scared. All the beginings are not always very good, and when you are got out of routine and try new things, being panic is quite normal. Don't be afraid of faking, be afraid of not trying new things and fall into routine.

As Forrest Gump said: " Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you never know what you are gonna get ". So, be prepared instead of afraid.

Hope you enjoy it!


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