The last analysis

Hello, I'm Leona and this week I was The Prickle's analyst. Our task this week was about Schools that learn. We had to find connections and relationships between the two texts that we read last week and the two new ones we read this week. 

We ended this last task exactly the same way as the first one: speed learning. This was a great way to see how my peers have grown during this subject. Some people's English has gotten better, they're not so nervous, they know how to maintain the audience's attention, etc.

I think the best part about this activity was that we all knew how it was going to be presented, we knew how it was going to be carried out due to previous experiences. This activity was great because it made you think back to what we had learned in other weeks and apply it to this week's task along with the new knowledge learned. I don't have anything bad to say about the task apart from concentration whilst reading the texts was definitely necessary.

The best moment this week for my group was when Linda, the teacher, told the stars that she liked our poster and their explanation and that the only thing that we would have to improve would be adding a little bit more information about one the texts that we had to read this week. When the stars told us this, we definitely agreed with Linda. We didn't realize it until she told us. The fact that we were missing information in the explanation and the poster would probably be the worst part of this week's task, even though it definitely could've been worse.

Over these few weeks we have learned how to work together as a team and how to cooperate with one another, we all know how hard that can be. Week after week we have been trying to improve, whether it be our pronunciation, blog post, creativity, etc. And we have also tried to take on-board all the critiques that we have gotten from Linda and our other class mates. I think it is very important to be able to do that even if you may not like what the other person has said. 

I think the knowledge learnt in this week's task is going to help us in the future as we are going to be teachers and we are going to be surrounded by all of these connections and relationships all at once. It is definitely important to know how handle yourself in different situations. 

As it is the last ever task, I'm going to continue by saying that I think every task that we have done is going to be helpful as future teachers. We now know the following:

  • Teaching will be more effective when you combine technology, pedagogy and content knowledge
  • The map distortions
  • How to give a good presentation
  • How Common Licenses work
  • How bad textbooks are
  • Different types of leadership and it's characteristics
  • Complexity in schools

I have had a great time working and learning with my group. Yes, sometimes it was hard, frustrating and unbearable but we always made it out the other side and I wouldn't change my group for the world.

Thanks to all of this working in a group, we have all learned how important it is to respect other people's ideas and to have patience.

Well that's all my fellow friends. I hope you have enjoyed our blog during this short period of time.

See you later alligator! 


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