
Hi! I´m Juan and this week I´ve been the facilitator of The Prickles. For the task of this week we had to prepare two presentations. The first of them was focused on Creative Common Licenses and how to design and present a presentation and the second one talked about a topic of free choice but it should be oriented to children. In our case, we chose vertebrates. Here you have a link to the first presentation

The organization of the team was the same than in the other tasks. On Monday, we checked the feedback on the blog as well as we searched the necessary information for the task, once the task was explained. On Tuesday we stayed at the university after class in order to do the task. We splitted in two groups, one for the free topic presentation and the other one for the creative common licenses presentation. Finally on wednesday our stars, Félix and James, exposed the presentation about the vertebrates.

Sadly for us and the rest of my pals of other groups we did not archieve the minimun expectations so we are repeating the presentations again on Monday. If I have to pick one like the best one I would choose the exposition of The Fluffy Guardian. The exposition was hilarious, the only week point I saw was the power point, that in some parts I could not see it properly.

On the other hand, if I have to choose the presentation that I liked less, that is not ours, I would choose the one from Juncharies. I really liked the idea of making figures with candies and sticks to explain dimensions. However, I felt that the presentation was only the figures and nothing else. 

Finally, I want to add to this post that being facilitator is hard. I don´t know if I am a good or bad one, but definetely, I didn´t do my job properly during this task

Change "you" for "me"

My advice for the next facilitator is to try to keep calm and stayed focused. Sounds typical, but I would like that someone had told me that.
Enjoy the weekend! 


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